Belgian Wings
Belgian Air Force, past and present.
The Aeronautical Reference Site - De Luchtvaart Referentie Site - Le site référence de l'Aéronautique
Koptekst 2
Supermarine Spitfire LF.16

Single engine single seat fighter
At the end of World War II, two RAF fighter squadrons composed almost solely of Belgian pilots (N°s 349 and 350 Squadrons) were equipped with the Supermarine Spitfire LF.XVI (later this designation would become LF.16). When Belgium created its own independent air arm (still called Militaire Vliegwezen - Aviation Militaire) in October 1946 twenty seven of these LF.16 Spitfires were taken over on 'temporarily loan" from the RAF pending the delivery of the Griffon powered Spitfire F.14 fighters which were ordered by the Belgian Government.
Already as early as March 1946, many of the Spitfire LF-16's of both Squadrons had their RAF roundels replaced by Belgian ones although these aircraft were never Belgian owned. The 27 Spit LF16s transferred to Belgian on loan, never were attributed Belgian serial numbers, instead maintaining the RAF registrations. In function of the deliveries of Spit Mark 14's, the Packard Merlin powered LF.16 were returned individually to the United Kingdom. The last of these machines was being transferred in March 1948.
RAF aircraft having worn Belgian roundels in the Spring/Summer of 1946 but were not transferred to the Belgian Air Force.
TB137/MN-K, TB-252/MN-J, TB356/MN-Z, TB492/GE-, TB590/R.d.V, TB755/GE-, TB866/MN-Q, TB900/GE-D "Winston Churchill", TB906/GE-V "Helen", TB910/GE-J "Bertje", TD124/MN-E, TD281/MN-S, TD288/GE-, TD339/GE-T "Denise", TE191/GE-G "Stad Gent".