Belgian Wings
Belgian Air Force, past and present.
The Aeronautical Reference Site - De Luchtvaart Referentie Site - Le site référence de l'Aéronautique
Sikorsky H-19/S-55

Single engine light transport helicopter
In 1959 the Belgian Government acquired two Sikorsky H-19 helicopters in the framework of the Mutual Defence Aid Programme (M.D.A.P.) which were to be operated by the Openbare Macht/Force Publique in Belgian Congo. One aircraft which was damaged at the tail was left at Kitona military airbase when the colony became independent in July 1960 while the other was taken over by the Katanga Government. In April 1960 two more Sikorsky's were transferred from Sabena but one aircraft crashed after only a few days of operations while the other was taken over by the new Congolese administration at the independence.