Belgian Wings
Belgian Air Force, past and present.
The Aeronautical Reference Site - De Luchtvaart Referentie Site - Le site référence de l'Aéronautique
Rumpler C.VII

Single engine two-seat observation aircraft
In the months after the end of the First World War, Germany delivered no less than 354 aircraft to Belgium as war reparation. All of these machines were stored at Evere airfield and together with vast numbers of abandoned aircraft recuperated at former German airbases in Belgium added up to almost 700 machines. A large number of these aircraft were returned to flying condition to be test-flown by the Aviation Militaire Belge or to be used operationally. At least one Rumpler C.VII flew with the Aviation Militaire Belge and was presented between July 19th and 27th 1919 at the "Exposition des Avions de Guerre et du Matériel aéronautique" (Exhibition of Warplanes an Aeronautical Equipment). Several Rumplers found their way to the SNETA (later becoming Sabena).
According to official documents two Rumpler C.VII aircraft entered service with the Aviation Militaire Belge in mid-1919 at Evere airbase (near Brussels). There is photographic evidence of at least one such aircraft wearing Belgian military roundels. Unfortunately nor the c/n, nor the serial of this aircraft is identified.

Top picture; one of at least two Belgian. Air Service Rumpler C.VII was presented at the "Exposition des Avions de Guerre et du Matériel aéronautique" (Exhibition of warplanes and aeronautical equipment) at Evere between July 19th and 27th 1919 .
Lower picture; the same aircraft during a visit to France in 1919.