Belgian Wings
Belgian Air Force, past and present.
The Aeronautical Reference Site - De Luchtvaart Referentie Site - Le site référence de l'Aéronautique
Morane Saulnier MS35 Type AR

Single engine two seat advanced trainer
In 1922 the Belgian Air Service identified the need for an advanced trainer which would familiarize student-pilots (having accomplished their basic flying training on the Caudron G.III and the Avro 504K) with advanced flying skills, including aerobatics. For this purpose, a contract was signed with the French Morane Saulnier company for the delivery of 12 MS.35 Type AR aircraft, while the newly established Belgian aeronautical firm Sabca was contracted for the license production of another 20 aircraft of the same type. First delivery from the French production line took place at Asch airfield on 11 April 1921. First Sabca produced MS.35 (M-13) left the plant on 12 December 1922 and the last trainer M-32 was delivered on 23 March 1923. Already in 1928, the Belgian government ordered 20 Renard R.S.V. 22/180 aircraft which were to replace the intensively used and worn-out MS.35. The last of these good-looking parasol trainers was faced out of the AéM in 1929.