Belgian Wings
Belgian Air Force, past and present.
The Aeronautical Reference Site - De Luchtvaart Referentie Site - Le site référence de l'Aéronautique
Morane Saulnier MS.30 E1 Type AI

Pilot Kervijn de Lettenhove (with Kepi) seen in front of his 9th Squadron MS.30 M-1 (later I-1)- during the meeting of Dubendorf in 1919.
Single-engine single-seat fighter aircraft.
In 1919/1920, the Belgian Government acquired three Morane Saulnier MS.30 E1 (Type AI), fighter aircraft. Most probably (as was the case in that period) these machines were acquired for testing and evaluation purposes. They served with Squadron IV/9 (Chardon) and V/1 (Cocotte). Initially they received the serials M-1 to M-3, but with the introduction of the Morane Saulnier MS.35 (Type AR) (serials M1 to M-32) the Morane AI’s were re-registered I-1 to I-3. On 22 November 1924 Morane I-2 was transferred to Squadron 3/I/2Aé (formerly IV/10) (Comet) to serve as a pattern aircraft for SABCA in view of local Morane MS-35 AR production. This machine (I-2) was also the last Morane MS.30 E1 to be retired from Belgian Military service on 12 September 1928. (Daniel Brackx)