Belgian Wings
Belgian Air Force, past and present.
The Aeronautical Reference Site - De Luchtvaart Referentie Site - Le site référence de l'Aéronautique

Single engine two-seat observation aircraft
After World War I, Belgium recuperated an estimated 28 to 30 (Luftverkehrsgesellschaft) L.V.G. C.VI two seat observation aircraft, either by picking up abandoned machines on former German airfield in Belgium or by war compensation payment according to Treaty of Versailles of 28 June 1919. All these machines were grouped within the "Parc Matériel, Service des farbrications" of the VII° Groupe Technique at Evere airfield. A majority of the L.V.G. C.VIs were sold to become the first aircraft on the Belgian Civilian register some of them forming the nucleus of SNETA later to become Belgium's national carrier Sabena. Civilian registered LVG C.VI aircraft were: O-BACB, O-BANC, O-BAFC, O-BAFE, O-BAHU, O-BARD, O-BATE, O-BECO, O-BELA, O-BOLL, O-BOMA and O-BRUN
According to researcher Guy Destrebecq, at least 9 L.V.G. C.VI observation aircraft were incorporated into the Militair Vliegwezen/Aviation Militaire receiving serials from "1 "to "9". Unfortunately, no tie ups have been discovered. It is thought that most of the L.V.G.'s in military service were withdrawn from use and/or sold to the civilian market by 1922.
L.V.G. C.VI 3141/18 fortunately was saved for posterity at the Brussels Air Museum where it is now being restored in the capable hands of A.E.L.R volunteers. To know all about its restoration visit this interesting Facebook page: Brussels LVG CVI restoration . Another former Belgian L.V.G. C.VI 9041/18 is owned by the Musée the l'Air of Paris while unconfirmed sources mention former Evere L.V.G. 9070/18 as also being preserved. (confirmation and information sought ???). Finally the RAF Museum at RAF Cosford holds the former Shuttleworth Collection's L.V.G. C.VI 7198/18.
All L.V.G. C.VI aircraft in Belgian military service received an individual serial number from "1" to "9", unfortunately no tie-ups with the German serial numbers are known and these numbers were probably not painted onto the aircraft, however they were used in official documents.