Belgian Wings
Belgian Air Force, past and present.
The Aeronautical Reference Site - De Luchtvaart Referentie Site - Le site référence de l'Aéronautique
Hawker Hurricane IIC

Single engine single seat fighter used for communications and as instructional aircraft
At the creation of the new post-war "Aviation Militaire/Militair Vliegwezen" in 1946 six former RAF Hawker Hurricanes IIc fighters were acquired and served as fast communications aircraft with the "Allied Flight Metropolitan Communications Squadron" based at Hendon (U.K.). Only three of these aircraft were actually operational with the Transport Wing at Evere while the others were transferred to the Technical School at Saffraanberg to serve as instructional airframes. During 1947 all the flying aircraft were withdrawn from use while at least three Hurricanes were destroyed in the huge fire of the Technical School at Saffraanberg on 8 August 1948. One aircraft was preserved and is now on display at the Royal Army Museum at Brussels.