Belgian Wings
Belgian Air Force, past and present.
The Aeronautical Reference Site - De Luchtvaart Referentie Site - Le site référence de l'Aéronautique
Fokker F.VIIB

Three engine bomber or 8 seat passenger aircraft
At the end of 1932 the Belgian Militair Vliegwezen/Aéronautique Militaire acquired a single Fokker F.VIIB transport aircraft constructed under license by Sabca. The intention was to convert it into a night-bomber and for that purpose a bomb rack was added as well as a gunner’s position with “Scarf Ring” behind the wing on top of the fuselage. In 1933/34 two more Fokkers were obtained from Sabena but these were straight passenger aircraft, one of them often being used by the Royal family. In 1938, during the “Munich Crisis” Sabena transferred 4 of its Fokker F.VIIB’s to the Aéronautique Militaire Belge. These aircraft were supposed to increase the remaining AéM Fokkers in the night bombardment role but because of their limited value for this task they soon were replaced by Fairey Fox IIIc’s.
Separate from these Belgian Air Force Fokkers at least two Fokker F.VIIB’s of Sabena were requisitioned by the Weermacht/Force Publique in Belgian Congo to be used as air ambulances during the Kenya campaign in WWII.