Belgian Wings
Belgian Air Force, past and present.
The Aeronautical Reference Site - De Luchtvaart Referentie Site - Le site référence de l'Aéronautique
Farman (Henri) Type Militaire 1910

Lieutenant Georges Nélis ready to take off in Henri Farman (Type Militaire 1910) "93" at Kiewit aerodrome in December 1910. This is one of the first flights of a Belgian military aircraft.
Single engine two seat observation/trainer aircraft
The first aircraft ordered by the Belgian Government for the Compagnie des Ouvriers et Aérostiers was the Henri Farman type militaire 1910 (Note: The designation H.F.3 was not used for this model and refers to a model which appeared in 1908). The Belgian aircraft was one of the latest military "grand modèle" types designed by Farman in 1910 with extended upper wings. This machine equipped with a 50hp Gnome engine was used as of December 1910 to train the first candidates eager to become pilot. It was also the only aircraft on which the words "ARMEE BELGE" were painted to distinguish it from the other (civilian) Farman's based at Kiewit aerodrome. On May 5th, 1911 this Farman was moved to Brasschaat and had an accident that same day, fortunately the pilot, Emmanuel Bronne, survived the crash although suffering a broken buttock. The aircraft could be repaired but crashed on its first post repair test flight with Lt. Dhanis as pilot in June 1911 (D. Brackx - Ph. Doppagne)