Belgian Wings
Belgian Air Force, past and present.
The Aeronautical Reference Site - De Luchtvaart Referentie Site - Le site référence de l'Aéronautique
Caudron G.III (Juvisy)

Single engine basic trainer aircraft
When on January 1st, 1918, the Belgian Air Service's pilot school (Ecole de de Pilotage - Vliegschool) is moved from Etampes to Juvisy-sur-Orge (both in France) the Belgian Government acquired some 15 Caudron G.III elementary trainer aircraft, eleven of which were delivered in the first trimester of 1918 and three more in September 1918. This first batch was composed of 6 twin-seaters powered by a 90 or 100 hp Anzani ten cylinder engine, 6 single seaters powered by a Le Rhone nine cylinder rotary engine of 80 hp and two twin-seater-dual control aircraft (Le Rhone engine). A least one more aircraft was delivered to Juvisy before the end of the war as images show aircraft numbers ranging from Nr 70 and Nr 84. With the end of the war a dedicated training airfield was established in Belgium at Asch. Only a handful of the original Caudron G.III aircraft operated at Juvisy were transferred to Belgium in the month of May 1919, the fate of the remaining aircraft remains unclear. (D. Brackx)