Belgian Wings
Belgian Air Force, past and present.
The Aeronautical Reference Site - De Luchtvaart Referentie Site - Le site référence de l'Aéronautique
Dassault-Breguet/Dornier (AMD) Alpha Jet 1B

Twin-engine jet-trainer
On September 13th 1973 de Belgian Government decided to puchase 33 Dassault-Breguet/Dornier (AMD) Alpha Jet training aircraft to replace the ageing Lockheed T-33A and Fouga Magister. A general agreement was signed in October 1973 while the final contract was signed in September 1975. The first Alpha Jet for the Belgian Air Force was also the 5th production model build by Dassault/Breguet. All succesive Alpha Jets were constructed by Sabca at Gosselies and entered service at N°s 7 and 11 Squadrons. From 2000 onward the Belgian Alpha Jets went through a modernising programme by Sabca which was aimed at introducing more advanced avionics in the cockpit. Since 15 Septmeber 2005 all Belgian Alpha Jets are detached to the French-Belgian "Advanced Jet Training School" (AJeTS) at Cazaux, France. The aicraft will still have their deep maintenance executed at Beauvechain airbase. Since 2018 no Belgian pilots are trained on the Alpha Jets anymore at Cazaux. A number of aircraft is still active in France to train French pilots.