Belgian Wings
Belgian Air Force, past and present.
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Aérospatiale SA.330C/H/L Puma

Twin engine medium transport helicopter fire-fighting.
In order to cope with the shortcomings of the diminutive Alouette II the Rijkswacht/Gendarmerie decided to acquire the larger Puma helicopter. These large helicopters enabled to transport seriously injured people while first aid can be provided during the transfer form the place of an accident to the nearest hospital. All three helicopters were delivered as SA.330C types but later modified into SA.330H by replacing the Turmo IVB (1325 hp) engines by Turmo IVC (1580 hp). Later the replacement of metallic rotor blades by composite units effectively made these helicopters SA.330L models. The Puma could also be equipped with an Alkan-basket to be used for fire-fighting.